FyzWeb  debrujáři


(according to project of children from KMD Staré Mesto)

Materials: PET bottle with a seal, wire ( about 2 mm), sticky tape, ball, paste, drill, peace of board


  • cut off bottom of PET bottle in height 3 cm
  • cut about 8 strips from the rest of the bottle (see a picture)
  • from these strips make a weathercock according to the picture
  • ask some adult for help and drill seal of the bottle and its cut bottom
  • put the lower part of the bottom into the PET bottle with the strips
  • through the holes put the wire and fasten it outside with ball and sticky tape
  • bent wire on bottle ends and stick it to the board


  • try, what is the best position for weathercock to turn it around if it is windy
  • to the weathercock you can add equipment for measuring the velocity of wind, scaring equipment in the garden, etc.


  • flowing air hit the incline paddles of the weathercock and so spin it

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